vario TOC select
TOC/TNb analysis without limitations.
The vario TOC cube is capable to detect TOC and TNb in aqueous solutions with a ppb-sensitivity. Through a high temperature digestion in a free selectable range of up to 1200 °C all bound carbon is oxidised. The formed CO2 is purified through a halogen trap and detected by a wide range NDIR photometer. Free of spectral interferences even against SO2. The determination of bound total nitrogen as NO by means of EC down to ppb level.
- High temperature catalytic oxidation
- CO2 measurement with NDIR
- TNb determination simultaneously with EC (option)
- Measuring Range from low ppt to percent
- Modular concept for liquids and solids analysis
- Real matrix separation
- 21 CFR Part 11 option
- Supports validation
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